- Sid Rahman
- 2024/09/30
This below sample can be helpful for any kind of Canada Immigration applications (visit /study/PR/work) you are dealing with where you need to prepare a Gift deed or notarized gift deed letter. The probablity of your respective notary public practisincg Canada Immigration law is extremely less likely, therefore, this format may help you to draft the letter for your notary public personnel.
Please craft your letter as appropriate in accordance with the sample below which fits your sitatuion properly.
I, GIFT PROVIDER NAME (National ID / Passport NO: AB123456 ; Residential / Mailing Address: Adress, City, Country) am a PROFESSIONAL by profession and NATIONALITY by nationality, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows.
1. That, I am the permanent resident and citizen of COUNTRY by birth / naturalization ;
2. That GIFT RECEIVER’s NAME bearing COUNTRY Passport No XY223344 is my daughter/son/relative and I am his/her parent /guardian.
3. That, meanwhile my daughter/son/relative intends to visit Canada so that s/he has required enough sound cash money. In accordence with as a parent /guardian, I always understand him/her. Therefore, on this the day DDMMYYYY I have gifted $$$ /local currency (in word:......) in favour of his/her pleasurably which s/he can spend for his/her self better interest in his/her visit /study/living/work in Canada. I have gifted the above-mentioned money for good to him/her and s/he is able to spend the money at his/her own discretion.
4. That, I am financially sound and solvent in COUNTRY. Accordingly I have enough and sufficient financial capability which can be assisted for my beloved daughter/son/relative as per his/her demand to visit /study/living/work in Canada. In continuation of my willingness, I would like to state that I will not impose any right on gifted aforesaid money whereof my daughter/son/relative is grace to use this money as s/he wants.
That statements made hereinabove are True and Correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs in true whereof I swear and sign this affidavit before the Notary Public at CITY, COUNTRY.
[Details of the Notary public and other signatories as applicable and will be directed by your respective Notary Public personnel].
Disclaimer: The above writing is not intended to be a source of legal advice. Please seek legal advice and use your own good judgement before choosing to act on any information provided above. If you choose to rely on this article, you do so entirely at your own accountability.
If you find any information is untrue or misleading or think you deserve the credit for the write-up, please reach out to me at: [email protected] and I will adjust as per your request when you are right.