- Sid Rahman
- 2024/04/07
The below steps contain the procedures how I recommend / determine the right National Occupational Classification (NOC) - version 2021 when any client approaches me to help with finding the right NOC. The below approach is very generic and may be different than other legal advisors. I follow this method as this worked for most of my clients successfully.
Firstly, you need to determine the program you are aiming for. Is it direct Express Entry (EE) or Canadian Experience Class (CEC) without Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) or you will be seeking PNP options? Please note that for EE / CEC, your options are wide so long the TEER of your desired NOC is 0/1/2/3. However, if you are aiming for any PNP route, then you must be careful about selecting NOCs because different PNPs have got their own demand and/or restricted list. Means, if you are selecting a wrong NOC and then keep waiting for the Invitation To Apply (ITA) from that PNP pool, your dream may never come true. Therefore, if /once you aim for any PNP, you must check their demand and/or restricted list.
Secondly, I would recommend checking the lead statement of the NOC, which is written just under the NOC code and the category name. Those 3-5 lines description helps understanding the high-level definition of the code and determines if you belong to that group.
Thirdly, I don’t care much about the example titles as those are not necessarily to be exactly matched with your one. Just a similar one is fine.
Fourthly, I would check the Employment requirements before the "Main duties". Because in most of the cases “Main duties” match with the candidate’s profile but they may need to give up with the NOC due to not matching with the educational background and/or that NOC may need provincial license as a mandatory requirement. Therefore, I make sure that the applicant’s educational and overall profile is aligned with the Employment requirements before I proceed any further.
Fifthly, if the above steps are ok so far, I would check Main duties from the NOC details. It’s nearly impossible to match 100% of the duties mentioned under any NOC. Therefore, if your real experience is at least 70% or more matching with the NOC description under “Main duties”, we call it sufficient (provided that you provide all the necessary documents related to that) unless you find a better one.
Sixthly, Every NOC code comes with exclusion and inclusion details. These are very important in terms of tasks and responsibilities that are included or excluded from one to another profession. Reviewing these details can further polish your selection and helps to ensure that your entire background matches the requirements of the NOC code you have chosen.
Finally, NOC selection can be very tricky and may cause refusal. Please check the above steps to make sure you are on the right track. Don’t hesitate to seek legal advice if you aren’t sure about finding the right NOC.
Here is the Govt website link to find your NOC.