- Jaideep
- 2024/06/20
Early childhood educators (ECEs) and Early childhood educator assistants (ECEAs) work with
children between the ages of birth and 12 years. BC PNP offers the immigration pathways
under Skills Immigration Categories. The general requirements for these programs are:
Job offer
Language requirement of CLB 4
Meet wage and income requirements
Skills Immigration Categories: There are following categories in this:
1. Skilled Worker: This is designed for experienced professionals who have two years of
skilled work experience within the past 10 years.
2. International Graduate Category: This category is for recent graduates from Canadian
post-secondary institutions i.e. within past three years. The program must be at least 8
months of full-time equivalent coursework.
3. Health Authority: These are for workers employed by a BC health authority.
4. International Post-Graduate: This is for graduates with a master’s or doctoral degree in
the natural, applied or health sciences from a BC university.
5. Entry-Level and Semi-Skilled: This is for workers in tourism/hospitality, food
processing and long-haul trucking, or entry level and semi-skilled workers who are
residing in the Northeast Development Region of the province.
The ECE certification is of three types:
a. ECE Five Year Certificate
b. ECE One Year Certificate
c. ECE Assistant Certificate
There are some specialized certificates- Infant and Toddler Educator (ITE) & Special Needs
Early Childhood Educator (SNE). An ECE five year certificate holder may be eligible to apply for
these specialized certificates if they meet all the qualifications.
Employment requirements:
Early childhood educator assistants
Completion of a two to four-year college program in early childhood education or a
bachelor's degree in child development
Certification is required in British Columbia and licensing is usually required in all other
provinces and territories.
Early childhood educators
Completion of secondary school
Experience in child care
Completion of an early childhood education assistant certificate program or post-
secondary courses in early childhood education may be required
Licensing by a provincial or territorial association as an early childhood educator may be
Example professions:
Child care worker- daycare
Daycare helper
Daycare supervisor
Preschool helper
Daycare teacher
Nursery school teacher
Educator assistant- junior kindergarten etc.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us:
Whitelight Immigration Services Inc.
Ph: 236-863-6001
Email: [email protected]
1. www.welcomebc.ca
2. www2.gov.bc.ca
3. noc.esdc.gc.ca
Disclaimer: This article is written to provide general information and understanding of this topic,
not to provide specific legal advice. The reliance on any of this information is solely at your own
risk. We encourage you to consult with the appropriate legal professionals.