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Marc Miller, Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship has announced the 2025 Express Entry categories, which include a new education category, to align the selection of federal economic immigrants with Canada’s long-term labour shortages. Transport related occupations have been removed from the shortlisted target draws.

For 2025, the focus of the federal economic class draws will be to invite candidates with experience working in Canada (Canadian Experience Class) to apply for permanent residence.

Additionally, to meet Francophone immigration targets and meet the acute needs in health, trades and education, IRCC will conduct category-based invitation rounds in the following categories:

  • strong French language skills, or
  • work experience in the following fields:
    • health care and social services, such as family physicians, nurse practitioners, dentists, pharmacists, psychologists and chiropractors
    • trades, such as carpenters, plumbers and contractors
    • education, such as teachers, child care educators and instructors of persons with disabilities

As Canada makes adjustments to achieve well-managed, sustainable growth and economic prosperity for the long term, IRCC continues to focus economic immigrant selection efforts on priority sectors, such as health care, construction and education. This allows IRCC to issue invitations to apply to prospective permanent residents who have specific skills, training or language abilities in order to bring those in-demand professionals to Canada.

IRCC will also continue to support economic growth through Francophone immigration outside Quebec by prioritizing candidates with strong French language proficiency in Express Entry. This reaffirms the Government of Canada’s commitment to supporting and fostering the economic vitality of Francophone communities outside Quebec.

These priorities maintain the focus on bringing in skilled workers with the potential to integrate and contribute to Canada’s future, including by transitioning more temporary residents to permanent residence.

Source : 


Manan Gupta is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC - IRB) and the CEO of Skylake Immigration. He is a licensee in good standing of the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) and a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC). He frequently gets quoted and appears as a media commentator on CBC News/Radio, Prime Asia TV, 101.3 FM radio, Global News, Omni TV, Truck News and others to discuss matters related to Canadian immigration, public safety, transportation amongst others.

For ethical, reliable and trusted services to meet your immigration and citizenship goals, you can contact Skylake Immigration :

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