- Sid Rahman
- 2024/10/08
While many of you are fond of changing DLI after getting visa / study permit (before or after coming to Canada), please note that there are some accidents which can take place. Let’s NOT take a unworthy risk and spoil the Canadian dream before even it begins.
Sadly, some professionals are also encouraging this just to earn some extra $$ as commission without letting the students know about the consequences. In this article, I will try to explain the rules that IRCC is following and then you can decide yourself.
Let’s see what IRCC website is saying about this changing:
The consequence of not informing IRCC is below:
Though the above screenshot is suggesting “You don’t need to apply to change your study permit if you are changing schools”, however please take a look at section 220.1(1) of Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) which states as below:
That means, it leaves room for discretion and officer may deny your future immigration applications including study permit extension (if applicable) and/or PGWP (if applicable) and/or other Canada Immigration applications (if applicable) if you have changed your DLI. Please also note, the above regulation is pointing towards, "in Canada" applicants.
If you (the study permit holder) are wondering what the repercussions you may face, then please allow me to shed some light into that. Please try to understand that if it’s a free trade (you can change your DLI at any time for any reason), then everyone will take that abusive route. I mean everyone/most of the applicants will take admission in the school/program which eases their tension to get the study permit and then they will transfer to the program which they actually wanted to go for. Very obviously, the applicants also know that particular program might not be good enough to get their study permit initially. So, why would IRCC keep this loophole intentionally? Is that even making a sense?
IRCC kept an option if anyone needs to change the DLI for a valid reason, there is an option and procedure. But often, people misunderstood and/or some professionals wrongly explain their clients and try to establish this in such a way as if changing DLI is a norm and has no repercussions. If there would be no repercussions, then why did they create section 220.1(1) of Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) for “in Canada” applicants? Hope this article gave you enough food for thought.
Long story short, you should not take it too easy and try abusing the route of taking the study permit under one DLI and then change the DLI at your own will as if it does not matter at all.
Disclaimer: The above writing is not intended to be a source of legal advice. Please be aware that the Canada Immigration rules are always changing. Therefore, the above facts and descriptions may not be applicable during the time you will apply. Please check yourself from the authentic source or take help from your legal representative before you act.
If you find any information is untrue or misleading or think you deserve the credit for the write-up, please reach out to me at: [email protected] and I will adjust as per your request when you are right.